One Million Views?!

Something crazy just happened: we hit one MILLION+ views across our channel!  That is absolutely insane!  Thank you so much to everyone who was ever watched our videos, every viewer counts.  :D


  1. Congrats! You guys totally deserve it! Your stopmotions are so cool, and it's awesome how fast your channel is growing :D

  2. Hey CameraCuties! I nominated you guys for the Liebster Award on my blog:
    I hope you guys answer the questions, and I can't wait to see your answers!

    1. Hi! We'll do a post soon. (:
      Thank you so much for nominating us!

  3. This is super late, but WOOHOO CONGRATS! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS! And your blog looks amazing! I swear it gets better and better every time I come to it :P I love it so much! :)



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